The Government of Canada has announced an additional investment of C$1.2bn ($873m) for the redevelopment works at Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) Hospital.

This federal funding aims to provide the 12,000 residents of the Weeneebayko region with improved access to quality healthcare services.

The announcement on the investment was made by Canada Indigenous Services Minister Patty Hajdu.

The redevelopment project includes the construction of a new hospital building, administrative offices, accommodations for the staff, and an Ambulatory Care Centre on Moose Factory Island.

In addition to the construction of the new buildings, Canada is expediting investments for health and safety enhancements to the existing Weeneebayko General Hospital.

This funding will ensure that, as the redevelopment progresses, patients continue to receive essential healthcare services near their homes.

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The investment, to be channelled through the Province of Ontario and WAHA, is designed to meet the healthcare needs of Indigenous people and those living in remote northern Ontario communities.

Hajdu said: “We have been clear since the beginning that the federal government would be there to get this hospital built. This C$1.2bn announcement will help First Nations in Northern Ontario have fair access to quality healthcare.

“Thanks to the leadership of the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority, the 12,000 people in the Weeneebayko region will have the services they need closer to home.”

The latest development comes after the government launched the ‘Connected Care for Canadians Act’, a new legislative measure designed to enhance patient safety by providing secure access to personal health information. 

Bill C-72, the Connected Care for Canadians Act, outlines the country’s plan to facilitate a modern and connected healthcare system.