The HPC4Health consortium has selected Mellanox Technologies’ InfiniBand networking solutions to improve patient care, as well as help researchers optimise treatment, with an aim to find a cure for cancer.
The consortium is led by the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and the University Health Network’s Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.
CloudX solution offers healthcare organisations the most efficient cloud infrastructure for cancer and genomics research and improved patient care.
The centre’s cancer and genomics programme adopted the FDR 56Gb/s InfiniBand networking solution to accelerate the sharing, processing and analysis of data generated from radiology imaging, medical imaging analysis, protein folding, x-ray diffraction to improve patient care and expedite cancer research.
HPC4Health assistant director Jorge Gonzalez-Outeirino said: "The amount of data created by today’s biomedical research environments requires computing architectures that are extremely fast, flexible and scalable.
"Mellanox’s CloudX and InfiniBand technology will facilitate collaboration between researchers and clinicians by enabling research to be shared. Our goal is to accelerate diagnoses and provide more personalised healthcare services for our patients."
The consortium deployed the solution to connect individual clouds hosted by SickKids and the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre to consolidate resources, minimise maintenance and operational costs, as well as improve the use of computational resources.
The FDR 56Gb/s InfiniBand solution offers a high-bandwidth and a low-latency processing framework needed for the internal data network to link with two private clouds.