The top tweets were chosen from healthcare influencers as tracked by GlobalData’s Influencer Platform, which is based on a scientific process that works on pre-defined parameters. Influencers are selected after a deep analysis of the influencer’s relevance, network strength, engagement, and leading discussions on new and emerging trends.
The most popular tweets on healthcare in August 2021: Top five
1. Ashish K. Jha’s tweet on rising Covid-19 infections in nursing homes
Ashish K. Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, tweeted on the reasons behind the rising Covid-19 infections in nursing homes. The Covid-19 infections in nursing homes were three times higher than those recorded in July this year and at an all-time high since March. Jha noted that the risk of community transmissions in nursing homes is high as 19% of the residents and 42% of nursing homes workers are still unvaccinated.
Further, nursing home residents were among the first to get vaccinated and their immunity against the virus may be diminishing. Jha added that considering the age of nursing home residents, it is important for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to determine if a third vaccine shot is necessary to protect them from infection.
Nursing home COVID infections are rising
While absolute numbers still low, they are up 3X over past month and highest since March
And we need a national strategy to prevent more suffering in this very vulnerable population
Why are they rising and what can we do?
Thread (1/4)
— Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH (@ashishkjha) August 1, 2021
Username: Ashish K. Jha
Twitter handle: @ashishkjha
Likes: 3,064
Retweets: 814
2. Dena Grayson’s tweet on increase in deaths among unvaccinated Covid-19 patients
Dena Grayson, a physician and researcher, shared an article on how deaths among unvaccinated Covid-19 patients are increasing and overwhelming health workers. The article noted that 99% of the patients getting admitted in hospitals were unvaccinated. The patients are requiring acute care and many of them are dying as their condition worsens.
The US government deployed several physicians as part of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) to treat patients affected by the new wave of the coronavirus pandemic caused by the Delta variant. The NDMS physicians noted that people who are choosing not to get vaccinated are prolonging the pandemic and increasing the burden on the healthcare system, the article added.
Treating #coronavirus patients in a post-#vaccine world:
“99% of the patients being admitted are unvaccinated. They’re sicker when they get here. They require more acute care while they’re here. And unfortunately, many of them are not surviving.”
— Dena Grayson, MD, PhD (@DrDenaGrayson) August 18, 2021
Username: Dena Grayson, MD, PhD
Twitter handle: @DrDenaGrayson
Likes: 228
Retweets: 117
3. Larry Levitt’s tweet on the healthcare reforms announced by Democrats
Larry Levitt, executive vice president of healthcare provider Kaiser Family Foundation, tweeted on the healthcare reforms announced by Democrats in the US as part of the fiscal year 2022 budget. The reforms aim to build on the provision of universal healthcare to all Americans.
The new reforms, if passed, will add dental, vision, and hearing-related benefits to the Medicare programme and extend the Affordable Care Act in the American Rescue Plan (ARP). The reforms also aim to invest in providing home and community-based services to aid senior citizens and persons with disabilities. They will also create a new federal health programme and reduce the cost of prescription drugs for patients.
If Democrats are able to accomplish all these goals in the budget resolution released today, it would be the biggest reform of the health care system since the Affordable Care Act passed more than a decade ago.
— Larry Levitt (@larry_levitt) August 9, 2021
Username: Larry Levitt
Twitter handle: @larry_levitt
Likes: 87
Retweets: 61
4. Andre Picard’s tweet on shortage of nurses in Ontario hospitals
Andre Picard, a health columnist, shared an article on how critical care nurses have reached a breaking point in hospitals in Ontario amid the fourth wave of the pandemic in the region. Shortage of nursing staff is putting patient care at risk as overwhelmed and stressed-out nurses are choosing to leave the profession.
Several hospitals in the region have a 10%-12% vacancy rate for nursing positions. The Ministry of Health responded to the situation by announcing $61m in funding towards training and recruiting registered nurses. The Ontario province also paid nurses a salary top-up in 2020 and is providing mental health support for overworked healthcare workers.
The Bill 124 passed by the Ontario legislature in 2019, however, is one of the main reasons for nurses choosing to leave their profession. The bill caps the wage increase of nurses at 1% despite many of them working in a high-risk environment during the pandemic. Associations of nurses have called for an amendment to the bill to raise the pay for nurses, but no action has been taken, highlighted the article.
Ontario health-care workers warn of 'brutal' nurse shortage as hospitals brace for #4thWave, by @Samantha_KB via @cbcnews #COVID19 #cdnhealth #onpoli #nursing
— André Picard (@picardonhealth) August 24, 2021
Username: André Picard
Twitter handle: @picardonhealth
Likes: 43
Retweets: 37
5. Celine Gounder’s tweet on whether additional Covid vaccine shots are necessary
Céline Gounder, an epidemiologist at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, shared her article on whether additional Covid vaccine booster shots are needed for the vaccinated amid the spread of the Delta variant in the US. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended the dosage regimen while granting emergency use authorisation to vaccines developed by Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson based on the clinical trials that were conducted by the companies.
Gounder noted that as the FDA evaluates these vaccines to provide full approval, it should also examine the best dosing regimen for the vaccines. She stated that a third vaccine shot should be recommended for high-risk and immunocompromised people such as organ transplant recipients who may benefit from increased protection. A third vaccine dose should not be recommended for already vaccinated people at the expense of vaccine doses for the unvaccinated and vulnerable in low-income countries, she added.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has also called for a moratorium on additional vaccine shots in wealthy nations and suggested the need to provide first doses in low-income countries.
Aside from HIGHLY immunosuppressed people, old elderly (80+), & nursing home residents,
our priority should be on building population immunity by vaccinating the UNvaccinated around the world.
with @CarlosdelRio7 & John Moore for @NYTimes @NYTimesOpEd
— Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA (@celinegounder) August 9, 2021
Username: Celine Gounder
Twitter handle: @celinegounder
Likes: 31
Retweets: 7