New York’s precision imaging clinic AMRIC Health in the US has partnered with AI-driven imaging start-up Ezra to improve the detection of cancer.

Ezra enables full-body MRI screening to aid early cancer detection.

This collaboration aims to expand proactive health monitoring and early disease identification in the New York City metro area, utilising Ezra’s AI-powered MRI technology.

In this context, Ezra cited that over 1.9 million people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in the US in 2024, with half of these diagnoses likely to be made at a late stage. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment, and Ezra’s technology enhances the MRI process’s accuracy and speed without sacrificing quality.

The company claims that its proprietary AI streamlines the cancer screening workflow, including imaging, analysis, reporting, and direct communication with consumers. This efficiency allows for 30-minute scans and reduces costs for patients.

Ezra founder and CEO Emi Gal emphasised the significance of the partnership, noting: “Our widening footprint and new partnerships – including this one with AMRIC Health – shows just how many individuals we’re able to reach, ensuring they have access to technology that can proactively address cancer and disease before it’s too late to cure.”

As Ezra’s most advanced facility, AMRIC Health provides access to 3T MRI machines with 75cm openings, the widest available, and incorporates music, lighting, and video to improve the MRI experience.

AMRIC Health co-founder Dr Omer Aras stated: “Working with Ezra will allow us to continue pushing for early intervention and management of disease, increasing the likelihood of successful treatment and illness prevention for our patients. We’re committed to using innovation to create better healthcare outcomes, and this collaboration is a reflection of how we’ll do it.”