The Government of British Columbia (BC) in Canada has issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) seeking contractors for a new hospital and cancer centre in Surrey.

The project is expected to involve an investment of $1.3bn (C$1.66bn) and is currently funded by the Province.

British Columbia Minister of Health Adrian Dix said: “Our government is delivering on its commitment of a new hospital for people in Surrey and we are moving forward with procurement now underway.

“This is the first stage of the procurement process and invites teams to express their interest and qualifications for designing and building the hospital, which will help meet the public health-care demands of the fast-growing community.”

Fraser Health and the Provincial Health Services Authority will identify potential funding opportunities in collaboration with Surrey Hospitals Foundation and BC Cancer Foundation.

Fraser Health will shortlist three potential proponents and invite them for the next stage of the competitive selection stage, the request for proposal (RFP).

The RFQ process is expected to be completed early next year, after which RFP process will be initiated, where a proponent will be selected to lead the design and construction of the hospital project.

Construction works at the site are expected to begin in 2023 and slated for completion by 2027.

The new healthcare facility will have 168 in-patient beds, five operating rooms, a surgical/perioperative suite, four procedure rooms and an emergency department with 55 treatment spaces.

It will also have a medical imaging department with three computed tomography scanners, two magnetic resonance imaging machines, pharmacy, laboratory, academic space and a child care centre.

The integrated cancer centre will have an oncology/ambulatory care unit with 50 exam rooms as well as 54 chemotherapy treatment areas and room for six linear accelerators for radiation therapy.

Additionally, the hospital building will have nearly 730 parking spaces, of which 375 will be surface spaces and 355 underground.

Once operational, the new healthcare facility is expected to significantly improve the availability of healthcare services for people in Surrey.