Indian state of Kerala’s Health and Social Welfare Minister K Shylaja reportedly said that the Covid-19 hospital built by Tata Group in the state’s Kasaragod district will start functioning on 28 October.

Minister Shylaja noted that 191 new posts were recently created in medical, paramedical as well as administrative departments at the hospital as a first step, reported The New Indian Express.

She further added: “Arrangements have been made to provide all kinds of treatments at the hospital.”

There are many protests ongoing in the district as a result of the delay on the government side in opening the hospital.

As part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR), the Tata Group invested Rs600m ($8.11m) and built the hospital in five months.

The Group handed over the structure to the government on 9 September.

The news agency quoted Kasaragod MP Rajmohan Unnithan as stating: “The government is planning to downgrade the hospital to a First-Line Treatment Centre. If that is the case, it is a betrayal of the people’s trust.”

He added that the district currently needs a specialty hospital with intensive care units (ICUs) and not the first line treatment centres (FLTC).