Tampa General Hospital (TGH), in partnership with GE Healthcare, has reported a reduction of system-wide inefficiencies at the hospital.

The 40% reduction was achieved since the launch of its CareComm command centre with GE’s Command Center Software.

CareComm uses 20 artificial intelligence applications (aka Tiles) and helps optimise minute-to-minute patient care operations with real-time actionable information used in CareComm and in TGH.

The command center’s Tiles include Patient Manager, Capacity Snapshot, Surgical Tube Map, Observation Manager, Discharge Barriers, Imaging Expediter.

Also, it created a digital twin of patient flow at TGH used for reallocating nursing unit capacities and manage the surgical block schedule.

With this programme, TGH was able to run at maximum occupancy and lower average length of stay by eliminating 20,000 excess days.

The hospital could also reduce emergency room diversion by 25% for the level one trauma centre that serves the entire West Coast of Florida.

Tampa General Hospital CEO John Couris said: “CareComm is not only the centre of gravity for our artificial intelligence platform, it’s the centre of gravity for the entire hospital system.”

“We feel sometimes that to fix a problem, we’ve got to build a building or build more capacity. We started to think a little differently saying, how do we drive value to the consumer by doing better with what we have and not just simply building more.”

Another major highlight is the implementation of an early warning system by the Carecomm team that helped anticipate Covid-19 hotspots in the community. With this, TGH could share capacity between health systems in the area to tackle a surge in Covid-19 patients.