Kettering General Hospital is all set to start enabling works for its long-awaited rebuild project after it was allowed to access £38m government funding awarded in October 2019.

The Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England gave written confirmation to the hospital that it can begin to access the capital from an initial funding allocation of £46m.

With this latest development, Kettering General Hospital can start to prepare parts of its site for the rebuild, and a new energy centre and electricity infrastructure.

Subject to funding and business case approvals, the rebuild is expected to start in 2025.

Kettering General Hospital director of strategy Polly Grimmett said: “One of the first things we will do is start work to prepare our site for a new energy centre and for new electrical infrastructure.

“This is a vital foundation for the rebuild and will help to reduce some of the considerable risks we face on a daily basis working with old facilities on a large and extremely busy hospital site.”

The hospital had its outline business case for the energy centre that secured approval from Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England’s Joint Investment Committee.

This facility, which make a significant contribution towards the Trust’s ambition to achieve net carbon zero status by 2040, will deliver 40% of the target reduction in carbon emissions.

Work is subject to further approvals and could start in December next year, with completion expected by December 2024.

Additionally, the hospital has had its £4.14m case for electrical infrastructure approved by the New Hospital Programme Investment Committee. Work related to this is set to start next year and completion expected by the end of the year.

At present, the hospital is running its heating and hot water from a ten-year-old temporary boiler plant and steam network system with regular maintenance issues.