Finnish company SRV and other companies have signed a new agreement to commence the initial implementation phase of Laakso Joint Hospital in Helsinki, Finland.

Valued at approximately €90m, the first phase order was signed by the City of Helsinki, the Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital (HUH) District and all the project partners.

Apart from SRV, the other companies involved in the project include real estate company Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Laakson yhteissairaala, Laakson LATU consortium, Granlund and Unitas consortium.

According to SRV, the new order will be added under its order backlog for April this year.

The total value of the project to SRV presently stands at around €800m.

In April 2021, SRV was chosen as the project developer and implementer. The orders for the different phases of the project have been placed from 2022 and will continue until 2030.

The commencement of hospital activities will take place in gradual phases from 2027.

SRV Helsinki Metropolitan Area Business Premises unit director and Laakso Joint Hospital Alliance project manager Ossi Inkilä said: “We are pleased to be able to utilise our expertise and the experience we have gained in earlier collaborative projects, where we have delivered genuine project value by working with customer and partners.”

Under this initial phase, the associated partners will work on infrastructure works on half of the hospital site.

As the prime contractor, SRV’s part of work under the new phase will be to perform excavations and other underground infrastructure works.

The above-ground infrastructure works and excavations will be carried out by Destia.

Meanwhile, Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Laakson yhteissairaala, which is equally owned by the City of Helsinki and HUS, will manage construction contracting and financing for the project.

The preparatory work in the hospital area began in spring 2022.