Multinational construction company Multiplex Constructions has secured the main works contract for the Eurobodalla Regional Hospital in New South Wales (NSW), Australia.

The A$330m ($220.07m) hospital will offer a range of expanded and contemporary health services to patients in the region.

Its planning and design involved extensive collaboration with clinicians, staff and the local community to ensure the hospital would meet the area’s needs.

The project is expected to create more than 600 direct jobs in its construction phase, as well as numerous indirect jobs over its entire lifespan.

Preparatory activities on the site will include installing site sheds, establishing temporary facilities, implementing erosion and sediment control measures, and building an access road.

The hospital will feature an emergency department with more capacity than the combined services of Moruya and Batemans Bay hospitals.

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It will also have an eight-bed intensive care unit (ICU) and close observation unit (COU), which will be the first ICU service in the region.

Patients will have increased access to chemotherapy and renal dialysis, as well as access to surgical and day-stay surgical units.

The hospital will also have expanded medical imaging services, including a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) service.

Other facilities being offered will include ambulatory care, paediatric and maternity services with a special care nursery, and mental health beds for short-term admissions.

In addition to its clinical services, the hospital will focus on education and training, offering facilities such as a simulation laboratory.

NSW Health Minister Ryan Park said: “The NSW Government is delivering A$70m in additional funding towards the brand-new, purpose-built, A$330m Level Four hospital to support the needs of the entire Eurobodalla Shire community from Narooma to Batemans Bay.

“The new hospital will serve the South Coast region for generations to come, providing more health services than are currently available at both the Moruya and Batemans Bay hospitals combined.”