
East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, a private, independent, not-for-profit, paediatric medical centre located in Knoxville, Tennessee, and architecture firm BarberMcMurry Architects plan to initiate work on a $75m expansion project this summer.

The construction of a new building at the corner of White Avenue and 21st Street is expected to begin this summer.

The plans include renovations of selected areas within the hospital once the new building is occupied.

A 3D model and artist renderings of the planned building have been revealed to donors, hospital staff and news media.

The building will take approximately two years to complete and during construction, all services will continue to be offered at Children’s Hospital.

Earlier in July 2013, the hospital’s board of directors approved plans for a five-storey complex offering 245,000ft² of new hospital space, 146 parking spaces and renovations of selected areas within the hospital once the new building is occupied.

The key features of the project include a new 44-bed, private room neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), a new perioperative surgery centre, two levels of parking and enhanced family areas, such as roof-top gardens.

The hospital plans to pay for the majority of the $75m project with internal funds. While more than $9m has been raised from private donors, the hospital will look to the community for help to raise approximately $6m more.

Children’s Hospital has 152 licensed inpatient beds; 60 support level III neonatal intensive care, 13 support paediatric intensive care and 79 support a variety of medical/surgical conditions. It has 1,900 full and part-time staff supporting hospital operations.

Image: East Tennessee Children’s Hospital is planning to expand with a new, five-storey building. Photo courtesy of East Tennessee Children’s Hospital.