Mount Sinai Health System, an integrated health care system located in New York, US, has selected SA Ignite for an enterprise-wide Meaningful Use Solution (MU) to automate its ‘last mile’ of achieving Meaningful Use (MU) and attesting for Medicare incentive payments.
MU Assistant has been dubbed the ‘TurboTax for Meaningful Use reporting’ for its ability to automate MU reporting and enable one-click electronic attestation to CMS and state Medicaid agencies.
Mount Sinai is reportedly the fifth MU Assistant client of SA Ignite in the New York City region.
Under the three-year contract, Mount Sinai will enroll 600 physicians in the federal incentive programme to access MU Assistant.
From 2015, providers who do not attest to MU are subject to financial penalties, while physicians who show ‘meaningful use’ of a certified EHR will be eligible for up to $44,000 in incentive payments from CMS.
Mount Sinai Health System chief medical information officer Dr Bruce J Darrow said the Meaningful Use attestation process is extremely complex and confusing for provider organisations of all sizes.
"This process intensifies for an organisation like ours by virtue of the sheer volume of providers who are trying to attest at the same time. SA Ignite provides a solution to help us automate that process, manage the varying levels of complexity and keep us compliant," Dr Darrow added.
The cloud-based software solution automatically aggregates and monitors MU measures across multiple EHR systems and provides decision support tools such as enabling easy selection of 90-day windows and suggesting MU exclusions that providers may claim.
The solution then electronically files providers’ data to the CMS attestation web site, providing a one-click attestation process, and electronically archives supporting data for potential audits.
MU Assistant also automatically harvests providers’ key MU attributes, such as payment status and amount, from CMS, enabling a unified dashboard of the entire MU compliance and payment cycle.
SA Ignite CEO and founder Dr Tom S Lee said that Mount Sinai felt there was a more efficient way to systematically manage its Meaningful Use process than having staff manually run reports, analyse data and report to CMS.
"We are excited to begin our relationship with such an illustrious organisation as it works to attest to Meaningful Use and help ensure compliance throughout an ever-changing process," Dr Lee added.
According to SA Ignite, MU Assistant has evolved into the leading system-of-record for MU data management serving ambulatory medical groups.
The Mount Sinai Medical Center encompasses both The Mount Sinai Hospital and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. It has more than 3,400 faculty in 32 departments and 14 research institutes.
Image: Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York. Photo courtesy of Homieg340.