Royal Devon and Exeter (RD&E) NHS Foundation Trust in England, UK is set to use Epic Electronic Patient Record (EPR) software at the Southwest Peninsula’s new Nightingale temporary hospital for Covid-19 patients.
Hospital managers can use Epic software for an overview of the number of patients currently in hospital and those expected to be transferred. This helps in monitoring and managing capacity.
In addition, the software provides clinical information, including respiratory rates, offering managers a clear overview of the severity of patients’ symptoms.
RD&E chief clinical information officer Chris Mulgrew said: “Clinicians and staff will use the software to see the patient’s isolation and infection status, recent vital signs, and allergy information from their phone or computer.”
Clinicians and staff, including nurses, doctors, pharmacists, porters and housekeepers, can update the patient’s chart and send secure messages from their phones using the Epic software.
RD&E Transformation & OD director Tracey Cottam said: “All NHS Partner organisations across Devon and Cornwall as well as Epic played key roles in planning services for the Nightingale temporary hospital.”
Earlier this week, Epic partnered with Cleveland Clinic in the US to develop and deploy a Covid-19 home monitoring tool. The solution is currently available for other healthcare organisations across the country.
The technology was designed, built and launched in ten days, instead of the typical three months. The new monitoring tool is said to automate patient engagement and support existing processes to allow additional reach of clinicians.
It asks patients about their symptoms and if they have been getting better or worse, or staying the same. Patients having new or worsening symptoms will be reviewed by a clinician and those who do not need review will be given advise on management.