Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) in the UK has invested a £1m funding into two new Da Vinci Surgery robots.

The donation was from the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital’s Charity.

The Da Vinci Surgery robots have been procured to increase robotic-assisted surgeries being conducted at the NNUH.

The advanced technology assists surgeons with more precision, accuracy and smaller incisions while lowering the amount of time patients spend in hospital.

According to NNUH, the new robots will replace an existing model that has been in use at the hospital for urological surgery for the past four years.

One of the two Da Vinci Surgery robots has already been put to use by the Urology team last week while the second unit will be deployed in September this year.

The robots will be used for complex surgeries and procedures such as urology, colorectal, gynaecology, thoracic and head and neck.

NNUH Consultant Urological Surgeon Vivekanandan Kumar said: “This new robot is sleeker and more versatile with added features compared to the one we have used and it makes a huge difference to our theatre capacity.

“Robotic surgery also offers far greater accuracy when removing a tumour, which means better outcomes for our patients.

“A number of surgical procedures require an amount of stitching and plumbing work inside the patient which is quite challenging. With a robot the patient is left with very, very small scars which is a marker of the very good services we are providing.”