The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health has inaugurated a new unit at the Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Fort Logan to offer competency restoration treatment for individuals in need.
The 22-bed unit is said to be the part of a newly constructed competency wing at the hospital.
Though the facility has been opened in December 2022 with some beds, staffing shortages led to delays in opening the remaining beds.
To address this issue, CDHS introduced hiring bonuses ranging from $2,000 to $14,000, which facilitated the opening of the remaining 22 beds.
Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health director Leora Joseph said: “We are thrilled that we can serve over 66 more patients per year because of these beds.
“These beds are another milestone of service, and we will continue to work hard to open more opportunities for treatment.”
Fort Logan primarily admits individuals facing pending misdemeanor and specific felony charges, giving priority to those with the needs after receiving medical clearance.
Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Fort Logan CEO Victoria Trapp said: “Fort Logan is now operating at full capacity.
“I am grateful to the dedicated staff who have stepped up to serve a new patient population.”
CDHS has been under federal oversight since 2019 due to its failure to provide timely competency assessments as well as restoration treatment for pre-trial defendants declared incompetent to proceed in criminal cases.
The Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health operates two mental health facilities in Colorado and offers mental health services, including pre-trial restoration, inpatient care, and community-based transition homes.