The Tamil Nadu state government has sanctioned additional funds for upgrades to Guindy Multi-Super Speciality Hospital, reported
The hospital will be transformed from a 500-bed facility to a 1,000-bed facility, without incurring any additional expenditure for the government.
An administrative sanction of Rs2405.4m ($29.17m) has been accorded for the construction of the hospital buildings, which will house 23 departments.
A team of specialists from other government hospitals was formed to provide the necessary details for equipment, instruments, consumables, furniture, and human resources required for the hospital's establishment at the premises of King Institute of Preventive Medicine and Research.
The government has also instructed the exploration of utilising surplus manpower from the Government Cuddalore Medical College and Hospital for staffing the new facility.
Additionally, posts from other medical college and hospital institutions have been identified for surrender and reallocation to the Guindy Multi-Super Speciality Hospital.
The Director of Medical Education has requested administration and financial sanction for the creation of 757 posts, amounting to Rs538.2m ($6.53m) per annum.
The government has examined the proposal and granted sanction for the creation of these posts.
Additional funds will be provided in the revised estimate, and the expenditure will be included in the supplementary estimates of 2023-2024.