Bengaluru, India-based healthcare provider Specialist Hospital has been rebranded as Trilife Hospital and embarked on a Rs15bn ($180.77m) investment drive, reported The Hindu Businessline.
Over the coming three to five years, the investment will help establish five new hospitals in Bengaluru and Tier-II cities in Karnataka.
This expansion aims to generate employment opportunities for approximately 10,000 healthcare professionals.
According to the publication, the rebranding follows a decade of healthcare services delivery.
Under the new brand, the hospital plans to introduce advanced neuro-rehabilitation services with the use of robotics and a 50,000ft² outpatient department.
In addition, it has launched a new website, emphasising the importance of preventive healthcare management as a focus area.
Trilife Hospital co-founder and CEO Dr Shafiq AM said: “The decision to rebrand was driven by our desire to create stronger connections with our valued stakeholders, the community and the world at large.
“Over the past decade, we have served our community with utmost responsibility, prioritising their well-being.
“This commitment is encapsulated in our new motto, ‘responsible well-being,’ which embodies honesty, compassion, fairness, accountability, and courage.
“Our primary goal behind this rebranding is to make world-class healthcare accessible to the public at affordable prices.”
Founded in 2005, Trilife Hospital currently operates a 200-bed tertiary care hospital in Bengaluru, employing over 800 healthcare professionals.