
Technimount Medical, an affiliated company of Technimount System dedicated to serving the healthcare community worldwide with innovative mobility and mounting systems for medical equipment, is thrilled to announce that their Technimount Healthcare System™ (THS) product line, created in collaboration with ALTO Design, has received the prestigious Gold Certification from the Grands Prix du Design.

The International Grands Prix du Design honours the dedication of designers and companies that set themselves apart through exceptional and distinctive practices. This year’s winners were carefully selected from a pool of 1,200 projects submitted from around the world. This award ensures the best-designed products receive professional recognition and international notoriety.

The THS product line is the result of collaborative efforts between Technimount Medical and ALTO Design. Conceived by the renowned engineering and end-user-need-oriented expertise of Technimount Medical, the THS product line was perfected with the strong know-how and expertise in aesthetics, functionality, and material selection provided by Alto Design. The result is a highly ergonomic system which is purposefully designed to support healthcare professionals in maintaining the highest standards of patient care by enhancing intra-hospital mobility and medical device management.

“We take great pride in this remarkable achievement,” states Carl Bouchard, the founder and CEO of Technimount System. “Receiving such recognition for our THS product line is a testament to our team’s unwavering commitment to innovation, quality and customer satisfaction. It serves as a source of inspiration, driving us to continually push the boundaries of what can be achieved in healthcare solutions.”

The award ceremony took place on 19 October 2023, where both Technimount Medical and ALTO Design were in attendance to celebrate this outstanding achievement. This recognition highlights an innovative design philosophy aimed at easing the challenging tasks undertaken by healthcare professionals.

For more information on the Technimount Healthcare System (THS) product line and to explore its comprehensive range of products, please visit: