Welcome to the third of five episodes in our podcast series “Digital Deals in Life Sciences – What Makes Them Different?” Transactions involving digital assets are becoming an increasing focus for pharmaceutical companies. In this series, life sciences industry M&A veteran and Sterling Technology board advisor John Easton discusses how these differ from traditional life science deals, and what both parties should look out for to increase the chances of deal success, mitigate risks, and avoid failure.

Due diligence in life science digital deals involves far more technical detail compared to traditional deals – a topic discussed in this fourth podcast. Key areas of focus include data governance, patient consent, and the validation of new technology – such as AI algorithms – that requires a deep understanding of that technology’s effectiveness and data integrity. The relative immaturity of technology companies in compliance and procedural standards makes thorough validation crucial for mitigating risks – and means taking time to get due diligence right is essential. You can also learn more by downloading our report which accompanies this podcast series.